

Just like in the darkroom, life develops before our eyes with some science, control, and magic involved.

I am a trained photographer. Capturing moments is what my life is all about. So this analogy seems very fitting for my life.

I wake up everyday thankful for the opportunity to enjoy another day on this amazing blue planet. Some days are wonderful and some days not so much. I occasionally need to remind myself that no matter what is going on in my life, I will always push through.

Just as in the darkroom, events and experiences slowly start to reveal themselves. There is a sense of magic and curiosity that comes with each moment. Under the safe lights, it is hard to make out the the image. Can't really tell how the photograph will come out until the development has stopped and the image is fixed to the paper. Then out into the light to see what is really there.

Relationships, self growth, and experiences all develop. They all take time and patience. All the while not knowing how it will turn out in the end. Maybe one area is blown out and other is out of focus. Whatever the case maybe there is room for improvement with every moment.

Be patient, be in the moment, stop worrying about the out come, and let the magic happen. We all live in our own worlds and have control of only our actions. Remember to be open and look at things from every angle. I know I am certainty trying to.

~waves are getting easier to read.



I am sure I will use this title more than once...

As I go through everyday, I focus on making the life I want. I feel confident in knowing who I am and what I am about, for sure. Trying to reach my ultimate goals in life is a much scarier thing. How to I become courageous enough to let go of the things known and walk on a new and different path. A path that is undefined.

Today, on my morning hike (a very, very crucial part of my life), I decided to explore off the path. I realize now that things I thought I was scared of, maybe i not. Lots of spider webs, to include a spider bite, and some free rock climbing were involved. As I ramble on... I found a beautiful spot to sit and think. I could hear the river and nature singing around me. Below is my starting point to creating the life for me.

~rough waters = growth


A Solo Adventure

For years now, I've heard about a hike called, Old Rag. It is in the Shenndoah mountains. Everyone told how difficult it was, that I had to go with people because there was now way I could go it alone.

Well, they were all wrong.

Yesterday, I decided that it was time to hike the infamous "Old Rag." So I packed my sleeping bag, tent, some water, a few snacks, headlamp, knife, notebook, hoodie, and my hat, then hopped in my car. The drive out was easy. Jammed out to some tunes, pondered life. A few hours later I arrive at the base of Old Rag.

Went to the ranger station, paid my entrance fee and signed my camping registration. The Rangers were funny guys, older and very encouraging. Grabbed my gear and off I went.

*****MORE TO COME*****


You Make Your Own Luck...

Or so it said on a dude's t-shirt at the park.

Right when you think life is getting easy, something makes it difficult again. How do we create our own luck? Is luck even really a thing?

Risks, I have be willing to take risks. This means change. Change is scary. The unknown of what is to come is scary. But I feel that without taking any risks or making changes, I will be stuck right where I am. 

I have things to do and places to see. It's my time to really make the life that I want. What I really want out of this life is to be connected to the earth and everything it has to offer. I want to explore and investigate. I will only be on this earth for a blink of an eye and I can't waste it being stuck. 

Passport is getting renewed this week. Plans will be made. Not sure where I will go or what I am going to do, but I know it is going to be the life I want and will make for myself. Time to live in the moment, for sure!

~although the waves are choppy, I'm managing to ride the waves. 


Be bold

We all have our shit!

What are we looking for? What do we want? What do we need? Do we really know how to answer these questions? Is it possible to not constantly fuck yourself over? 

I plan to be bold. Treat people how I want to be treated, love people how I want to be loved, and always try my best to do the right thing. I want to say what's on my mind with care and concern for others and also say what I feel needs to be said.

To be good to others, I MUST be good to myself. To be a good winner, I MUST be able to lose gracefully. To succeed, I need to learn something from every twist and turn in the road. 

Life should be simple!!! Hands down, that's it. Hormones, emotions, life experience, and our super processor (brain) get in the way. 

I want to be on the moment. This has been a process that has been very hard but rewarding. I am working really hard at not getting wrapped up in what is going to happen six months from now or ten years from now. To be present, right here,  right now is all I want and need in life. 

I am tired for being bound to something that I cannot predict. I don't know what is going to happen five minutes from now. How can I worry about anything outside of the here and now.

It's time to let go, relax, breathe, and enjoy the moment. Always keeping in the back of my mind that the only thing I can control is me. The past equals regret, depression, and blocks. The future equals anxiety, fear, and blocks.

I am here right now!

~trying to read the break through the choppy sea.


Up, Down, and All the Way Around...

That is the drill... Right, for life... 

I seemingly riding waves at every moment. Sometimes crashing down while I feel like I'm drowning. Other times, I feeling like I could launch into space. 

It is like being a little plastic surfer stuck in a snowglobe from a beach with no surf. It's all a big whirlwind of things. Good VS. Evil. Truth VS. Lies. Love VS. Lust. Ideology VS. Realism. Black VS. White... The list could go on forever.

No one thing is correct. 

How do I proceed? If I make the wrong move what will happen? Will the challenge always be great? What will happen if I don't make a move? Will I be the one there when I fall? How will I make an impact? 

Making these decisions are not easy. It like improvising a recipe and using the things you like and taking out the ones you don't. No one can really help you, it has to come from within. 

It's time for me to really take a good look at my dreams. Then sketch put a plan to make them happen!

What are your dreams? How will you make them a reality?

~Duck diving and still can get past the break