Is it bad to be transparent..?
I could say, "We all do it!" You know, that thing where you develop an really thick tortoise shell with moss growing on it... I know that I have had my armor on too long. I am tired of carrying it around.
What a freeing thing, say what you mean. If I am able to speak freely, then I become transparent. When someone understands and knows this, communications with everyone around them become easier.
Image if you believed everything someone said to you because they were always open and honest. "Issues" can be resolve with a conversation. When the conversation comes from a loving and nurturing place, it can be very constructive and helpful.
I do my best to be open, upfront, and honest with everyone I meet. It is not a quality that all of the people in my life like. But the ones that appreciate it are my nearest and dearest friends! We try to look out for each other and keep our heads on straight.
To be transparent, it the most thoughtful way with yourself and others, has become very freeing. There is that dang on word again. Freeing. When I am able to think for myself and believe in my opinions I feel free. When opacity begins to occur, bits and pieces of you start to fade away.
Be who you are when no one is watching. Let's be free together!!!