What brings me to writing? The need to reflect, to opening myself up to not only myself but to others, and put this journey I am on, called life, on paper (or the screen). At the age of 31, with much more of life to live, I have realized that for a large part of my life, I have let things that have happened to me control who I was. Well... after some serious self reflecting, I realize that I am the only one that controls me. No one else or what they have said or done to me, can control me. I control me! It feels good to finally realize.
There are SO many unknowns in this great world. But knowing that I have my own back can make these unknown things less daunting. I have ridden a very long roller coaster of ups and downs, like many of us have. That is part of life. There will always be something that "you" have to handle. It may be a good thing or a bad thing, but "you" have to handle it. Teaching myself that I could handling anything, even if, I was not taught how to, is one of the most rewarding personal life lessons I learned.
We cannot predict the future or control anything but ourselves. And, sometimes it is hard to control ourselves because... we let things weigh on us or cloud what we really need to do. Self-control... not easy. Sometimes, you NEED to fall apart in order to put the piece in the right place. Before falling apart, you may feel like all of the pieces are where they need to be. In my case, I thought they were solid. Haha... funny one Jocelyn! It took my Jenga pieces to fall all over the floor to realize my foundation was a little unsteady in the first place. Well, once they were all over the floor and I was looking down at them, I could see those pieces in a different light. I made connections in way I had never been able to before. I had the strength and knowledge inside of myself to put them back together in a better way. I did not need help from anyone. I control my life and what will happen. I am the only one that can make it better. I control my happiness, sadness, ability to love, what I will and will not tolerate, and most of all my destiny.
I cannot predict the future, I cannot control anyone but myself, but I am willing to keep my heart open to everyone... especially myself. Learning to be loving and caring to myself, has been such an enlightening experience. I will leave you with this. Open your heart and fear not the unknown because the unknown will have something great to offer you, even if it is just a lesson!
Peace to You!
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