
Solo Mission

Being alone is not always easy, or at least that is what I thought...

Most of my life, I looked for people to be around. I was always "OK" being alone, but it was not something that I truly enjoyed. I just spent an entire week with myself. No one to answer to but ME. An enlightening experience, is an understatement.

I have always been someone that likes being around people. Just like most humans, I needed time to myself. However, 7 times out of 10, I would have rather been around another person. Not a hundred percent sure why I felt the need to be with someone most of the time. Maybe it was growing up an only child. Maybe because I felt the need for attention. I think those statistics have changed for me.

During my week of exploration of not only a new place but of myself, I found that not only do I like being with myself, I love it! I explored my new surrounding with my mind clear and free to do as I wished. My observation process was not tainted with view points of another. Although, I usually do not allow others to cloud my opinion. Being able to truly get lost in my thoughts was very eye opening for me. My mind feels clearer now. There is less static because I was able to reconnect with myself.

I took time to be me and to be with me. To accept myself the way that I am. No judgements. No criticisms. No negativity. To allow myself to explore my mind and really listen to myself. To be logical and emotional at the same time. I have become reintroduced to myself. Wow... I had lost sight of who I was and what I was about. 

This trip was life changing for me simply because I found myself again. I have been on a journey to feel whole and wholesome. I can now say I feel complete. I feel more able to take on whatever is thrown at me... I have already had a few splitters thrown and I have not struck out yet!

I will leave you with this... When in doubt, listen to your heart/gut. If you cannot hear it, take sometime to step away from everything you know. Even if it is just taking a walk down the street. Space can make things more clear. Take a deep breath, count to 10, and let it all out. The answer is already inside of yourself, you just have to find it!

~Peace to You!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you are alone because you are completely devoid of social / people skills? Most people who are alone for long periods of time are served well by medication and professional therapy .
