Views that you cannot see any way else!
Ten years ago, I was in college trying to stretch credits to stay on my mom's health insurance. It was my last semester so I decided to have a little fun. I took gym class, ballroom dancing, and rock climbing. Gym was an easy A. I loved dancing, so ballroom seemed like a good option. Rock climbing seemed like it would be a challenge and fun.
Fast forward to this summer... I bought a rock climbing harness. Wasn't really sure what I was going to do with it but figured I was ready for a challenge again and maybe a little fun.
This weekend I had a grandiose plan to start at Harper's Ferry, cruise to Seneca Rocks for the day, and spend two and a half days in Dolly Sods. That was the plan... Nice thing about exploring solo is you can go where the wind takes you. The wind stopped blowing when I got to Seneca Rocks.
On my way out to Seneca I stopped in Winchester, VA. My friend suggested I stop in at Mountain Trails to get the gear I was looking for. There I met Arthur. What an incredibly nice and knowledgable man! I told him my travel plans. Then we started talking about all of my gear. I mentioned I had a harness but no climbing experience. Oddly enough he runs a climbing school at Seneca Rocks. This is where the seed was planted.
I get out to Seneca and stop by his school/shop. Chat with Andrew, the guy running the shop and call Tess (the girl Arthur suggested to take me out and show me the ropes, pun intended) We set up at one on one all day session for the next morning. As I was leaving to go visit with a friend, two people were sitting at the shop's porch, Regina and John. I stay talk with them for a while. Not knowing that the porch would become the place to be.
Head out to Blackwater Falls to hang with Sato. We eat at Hellbenders, hang at StumpTown Brew, and jam at the Purple Fiddle. Ran into a guy I met two years prior at the Harper's Ferry outdoor festival and my friend's best man. Definitely a small world. Saturday morning is here!!! Head back to Seneca to meet Tess and we get in our way.
Day One:
We start our trek with the STAIR MASTER. Definitely a steep walk and a great warm up. The plan is to start with top rope climbing and see how things progress. Tess climbs up and sets up the top rope. Teaches me how to tie in and I climb on. First route right to the top. She give me a more challenging route and I zipped through that too.
At this point, she feels I'm ready to start learning trad. Trad means traditional climbing. The climber goes up the rock and places gear (hex, nuts, cams, and tricams). The climber makes it through a pitch and the second climber cleans the gear as they come up. It's a great team effort. You have to trust and relay on your partner one hundred percent. I practice cleaning gear to prepare for our adventure. We review terms and start up Humphrey's Head (5.4).

We are going to take Old Lady's (5.2) to the summit. It's a three pitch route. We got up without a hitch. Well maybe I had two pieces of gear that where a challenge to clean. Overall we got to the summit pretty quickly. What an amazing view!
We rappel down at traffic jam. It has that name for a reason. Tess gives me a few options in what we could do next. I told her it was her choice. So we went over to first pitch of Prune (5.6) and Front C (5.6). We bumped into a few people as we made our way over there. Everyone was respectful of each other and nice.
We climb these two harder routes. Rappeled down. Pack up and head back to the shop just as it starts to rain.
Get back to the shop and it is the soot to be. A bunch of people on the porch hanging out. Talking "shop." There is an importance to the lingo in climbing. Still working on that part, for sure. Meet a bunch of people. Arthur shows up with his equally incredible wife Diane. Two guys (Joey and Jeff) invite me to climb with them the next day. Tess told me I was a new but competent second and I could run a 5.7 route. So hopefully I will not get in over my head with those two tomorrow. This day was just an awesomely, amazing day! I did not realize how much fun I would have or how much I would love climbing.
Day Two:
Wake up just before the roosters start singing. Get my tent put away, brush my teeth, and head over to the shop (The Gendarme). Grab the gear I need to borrow for the day and head over to re STAIR MASTER with Joey and Jeff. Joey decided we would run Green Wall (5.7), the first pitch I was the clearner. The second and third pitches I was in the middle. That was nice because I only had to worry about climbing. At the top of the second is where I realized only very few people would see this view. My heart was set on fire and this moment is when I fell in love with climbing.
A surprise for me was that Joey picked this route because of the a•mazing rappel that we were about to do. Pleasant Overhangs/Birdhouse rappel. While getting set up to rappel to the ground, we spot Arthur and Diane cruising up Thais Corner. Diane was working on some booty. Booty is stuck or left behind gear. I snapped a lot of photos with Jeff's camera. Now it's to rappel this amazingness. Words cannot be spoken about this moment in my life. The first time hanging from a rope in space is will be one of my most treasured memories of my life.
We all get down to the ground. Arthur has offered to throw a top rope for us at Tripple S (5.8+). I had heard them talking about this crack, corner but was not sure what I was in store for. Joey gets after it and gets it. It's my turn... At this point I am beat, but I have to try. Listen to Regulators as I get my gear on. Yes, I said Regulators. With no service there, it was the closest to a pump up song as I had on my phone.
I tie in and climb on. This wall of rock is slick and has some tiny grabs and ledges. Working hard with the sun beating down on me. The sweat is pouring. Chalk is my new best friend. I keep smashing my already bruised and bloody right knee. I take to breaks. I am exhausted. I only had about 10-15 feet left my my right leg and both hand cannot stop shaking. I tap out! Proud and mad... Tripple S has my name on it next time. Jeff crushes this route. He is definitely ready to lead it. Sweaty and beat we pack up and head back to the porch. It was a great day of climbing and the day I feel in love with it!
We eat, talk, and hang out at the porch. Tripple J (my name for the group today) decides it time for a "shower" so we head out to the swimming hole to rinse off. Nothing like a sunset swim to end a long day of awesome.
This trip opened something up inside of me. I feel more connected to not only the world around me but to myself. My solo adventures have been teaching me more about me than I could have ever imagined. I am thankful and happy. Excited for many more adventures to come.
~riding waves and looking for cliffs to climb
(Photos from day two will be upload to my tumblr {adventuresdefineme} by the end of this week.)
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