
Ten Months Ago

10 months ago today... I went on the most amazing first date I have ever been on. I met the man that my heart and soul connected to on a level that is almost unexplainable. That man took my breath away from the moment I set eyes on him and still does. He amazes me with his ability to reach others and to do right by people. He has a great heart, mind, and soul. He has touched me in a way that I will never be able to forget. We were so close. We talked through everything. He was there for me. I tried to be there for him. I realize that maybe I was caught up too much with my own misfortunes to truly be there for him, the way I know I can. He made me a better version of myself.

3 months ago this week... that man took steps away from me. He comes around every once and a while. When he does it is amazing and makes me realize why I love him so much. Even though we are apart, my love grows everyday. I wish that man would let me in. I am strong. I can be there.

3 months has taught me... You can love someone and not be near them.  Sometimes, life gets in the way... but you can still have love. Loving someone means giving them what they need, even if it is hard. Understanding, even if it is not clear. Being there for them, even if they are not there for you. Knowing that no matter what, it will be okay. Good things are worth waiting for. You have to fight for what you believe in. Every great relationship has problems; it is loving them enough to stick it through. To not fear the unknown. Love is a risk work taking!

~Peace to You!

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